Rabu, 09 Desember 2009


1. Soal No 1

One-way ANOVA: Efek Limbah terhadap Kekebalan versus Macam Limbah

Analysis of Variance for Efek Lim

Source DF SS MS F P

Macam Li 4 13105 3276 7.91 0.000

Error 45 18636 414

Total 49 31741

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------

K 10 86.80 11.15 (-----*------)

L 10 75.30 19.87 (------*-----)

M 10 62.70 23.57 (-----*------)

N 10 55.30 24.82 (------*-----)

P 10 39.80 19.50 (------*-----)


Pooled StDev = 20.35 40 60 80

Fisher's pairwise comparisons

Family error rate = 0.276

Individual error rate = 0.0500

Critical value = 2.014

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)


L -6.83


M 5.77 -5.73

42.43 30.93

N 13.17 1.67 -10.93

49.83 38.33 25.73

P 28.67 17.17 4.57 -2.83

65.33 53.83 41.23 33.83






Ho : Tidak Berbeda Nyata

Hi : MInimal salah satu berbeda nyata

Karena nilai P < ALFA ( 0.000 < 0.05) maka Tolak Ho ; Berarti kesimpulannya berbeda nyata.

K dan L = Tidak Berbeda Nyata

K dan M = Berbeda nyata

K dan N = Berbeda Nyata

K dan P = Berbeda Nyata

L dan M = Tidak Berbeda Nyata

L dan N = Berbeda Nyata

L dan P = Berbeda Nyata

M dan N = Tidak Berbeda Nyata

M dan P = Berbeda Nyata

N dan P = Tidak Berbeda Nyata

Kesimpulan : Macam Limbah yang berbeda-beda memberikan pengaruh pada kekebalan tubuh manusia yang berbeda nyata

2. Soal No 2

One-way ANOVA: Kemurnian NaCl versus Sampel

Analysis of Variance for Kemurnia

Source DF SS MS F P

Sampel 4 6.208 1.552 11.09 0.000

Error 15 2.100 0.140

Total 19 8.308

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---------+---------+---------+-------

a 4 98.800 0.082 (----*-----)

b 4 99.000 0.294 (----*-----)

c 4 98.600 0.245 (-----*----)

d 4 97.800 0.688 (-----*-----)

e 4 99.500 0.271 (----*-----)


Pooled StDev = 0.374 98.00 98.70 99.40

A.) Ho : Tidak Berbeda Nyata

H1 : MInimal salah satu berbeda nyata

Kesimpulan : Karena nilai P < Alpha (0.000 < 0.05), maka tolak Ho = Berbeda Nyata

MAKA terdapat hasil kemurnian antar sampel (perbedaan sampel menyebabkan pengaruh perbedaan kemurnian NaCl yang berbeda nyata)

B. ) UJI LANJUTAN DENGAN UJI DUNNET DAN tUCKEY Untuk menentukan perbedaan sampel signifikan atau tidak

Dunnett's comparisons with a control

Family error rate = 0.0500

Individual error rate = 0.0156

Critical value = 2.73

Control = level (b) of Sampel

Intervals for treatment mean minus control mean

Level Lower Center Upper ----------+---------+---------+-------

a -0.9216 -0.2000 0.5216 (------*------)

c -1.1216 -0.4000 0.3216 (------*------)

d -1.9216 -1.2000 -0.4784 (------*------)

e -0.2216 0.5000 1.2216 (------*------)


-1.0 0.0 1.0

Tukey's pairwise comparisons

Family error rate = 0.0500

Individual error rate = 0.00747

Critical value = 4.37

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)

a b c d

b -1.0176


c -0.6176 -0.4176

1.0176 1.2176

d 0.1824 0.3824 -0.0176

1.8176 2.0176 1.6176

e -1.5176 -1.3176 -1.7176 -2.5176

0.1176 0.3176 -0.0824 -0.8824

a b c d





a dan b = TBN

a dan c = TBN

a dan d = BN

a dan e = TBN

b dan c = TBN

b dan d = BN

b dan e = TBN

c dan d = TBN

c dan e = BN

d dan e = BN

Ket : TBN = Tidak Berbeda Nyata

BN = Berbeda NYata

kESIMPULAN : Sampel yang berbeda-beda memberikan pengaruh pada kemurnian NaCl yang berbeda nyata

(tetapi perbedaan sampel tersebut tidak signifikan karena lebih banyak yang Tidak Berbeda Nyata)

Rabu, 04 November 2009

manfaatin limbah pasar jadi duit dengan buat Kompos. mau????

1. Siapkan Reaktor kompos (Komposter)

Ketika aku pindah ke Cimahi sebulan yang lalu, reaktor yang telah kubuat setahun yang lalu kubawa serta. Reaktor ini adalah wadah yang terabut dari PVC, drum berukuran kira-kira 1 m-kubik. Walaupun reaktor komposku terbuat dari drum PVC (seperti yang terlihat pada Gambar di atas), sebenarnya reaktor ini bisa dibuat dari apa saja. hal yang paling penting untuk diperhatikan adalah, reaktor ini harus memiliki sistem ventilasi yang bagus. Reaksi pengkomposan adalah memang jenis reaksi yang memerlukan udara. Jika reaktor ini tidak memiliki sistem ventilasi yang baik, proses pembusukan yang terjadi juga akan menghasilkan bau busuk akibat dari pembentukan amoniak dan H2S.

2. Persiapan Bahan Organik

Siapkan bahan (atau sampah) organik yang akan dikomposkan. Sampah organik yang disiapkan bisa berasal apa saja, misalnya dari sisa sayuran, nasi, atau potongan-potongan tanaman dari kebun. Agar kompos tidak berbau, hindari memasukkan daging, tulang dan minyak. Sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor kompos, bahan-bahan tadi sebaiknya dipotogn kecil-kecil agar proses dekomposisinya menjadi lebih cepat dan lebih sempurna.
Proses pembusukan atau dekomposisi memerlukan bakteri pengurai. Jadi, alangkah baiknya jika bahan-bahan tadi dicampur terlebih dahulu dengan sumber bakteri pengurai sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor kompos. Sumber bakteri pengurai yang paling mudah didapat adalah pupuk kandang (kotoran ternak). Bakteri pengurai yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu proses pengomposan juga dijual di toko-toko penjual pupuk. Salah satunya adalah EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4) yang aku beli di Cihideung seharga Rp. 15000,- sebotol berukuran 1 liter.

3. Siram dan Aduk
Agar proses pengomposan berjalan dengan sempurna, media harus mengandung kira-kira 50% air. Jadi jangan lupa untuk selalu menyiram media kompos ini setiap hari dengan air secukupnya. Bila perlu, bolak-balik media kompos setiap hari agar proses aerasi berjalan sempurna. Selama proses pengomposan, sering kali lalat menjadi masalah yang menjengkelkan. Oleh sebab itu, kuusahakan agar setiap lubang di reaktor komposku kututup dengan kawat kasa. Bila bau tak sedap keluar, tambahkan air dan EM4, dan bau segera menghilang. Jika proses ini berjalan dengan baik, setelah 5 hari volume sampah yang dimasukkan akan menyusut kira-kira menjadi hanya 25% dari volume awalnya. Jadi untuk skala rumah tangga, reaktor kompos berukuran 1 m-kubik sudah lebih dari cukup.

4. Panen

kompos siap dipanen setelah diproses kira-kira 2-3 minggu, bergantung pada tahap pemrosesnya. Pada reaktor komposku, sengaja kubuat sebuah sistem sederhana sehingga proses pemanenan kompos dilakukan dari dasar reaktor. kompos yang diperoleh adalah lumpur hitam yang mengandung air kira-kira 50%. Sehingga, untuk mendapatkan kompos kering, lumpur tadi harus dijemur. Biasanya, lumpur yang kuperoleh langsung kupakai sebagai media tanaman di kebunku. Jadi tidak perlu dijemur dahulu.

sumber :

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Bali is true heaven of tourism. At least that existing fact and which I feel as part of Bali society which live and grow in Bali island. There are a lot of beautiful exotic place in this island. One of them is Tanah Lot. As tourism object, Tanah Lot is true famous. It’s called as icon of Bali Tourism beside GWK statue kuta, Sanur, Nusadua and Ubud Beach. As Icon, Tanah Lot is so enthused by all tourist, foreign or Domestic tourist.
Tanah Lot is True with fascination. This tourist object integrate consist of sunset moment that very beautifull with spiritual tourism marked by tanah lot temple. Even a number of tourist at the moment. Tourist can directly show activity of hindhu people ritual.
Tanah lot located in tabanan Regency. If you want to go there from Denpasar or Ngurah Rai Air Port just need 30-40 minutes but for local tourist from java island tanah Lot could reach from Kediri region located about 8 kilometers north of Tanah Lot and be important way (rush) Denpasar-Gilimanuk. The big……………..of Tanah Lot tourism object can not be let loose from Tanah Lot temple in the Midle of Beach for Praying, Hinduism come to Pura tanah Lot on foot across the beach. Just for five minutes, not too long. The beach water that must be accrosed undeep, just limit of knee.
Tanah lot temple established by Dang Hyang Dwijendra some one who has iron skill that live in majapahit kingdom in era 15. He comes to Bali for starting lofty Duty. Teach spiritual problems and social harmonization. By the Bali King that has power, Dalem Waturenggong Dang Hyang Dwijendra accepted and gived achance to spread Hindhu religion. In Bali, Dang Hyang Dwijendra establish some temples, one of them is Pura Tanah lot.
Beside Tanah Lot Temple and sunset view, there is another thing that proper enjoyed by tourist. That are sixs Pura the location in a row to the west from pura Tasnah lotwith walking for about 1 km, the tourist can find pura Pakendungan, Pura Penataran, Enjung Galuh, jro kandangBatu Bolong, Batu Mejan. All of that temple has unique, in Fact in the last Pura that’s Pura Batu Mejan be located in beach lips. There are 9 water sources out from under the beach and the water tasteless!. In order to enjoy all of interest places souronding Tanah lot tourism object, you must come early or before evening. After satisfied visit seven temples, in the evening you can enjoy sunset in the west part. Now, it’s time to leave from the beach (Tanah lot) But wait, have your hand bring the souvenir! Don’t worry because of that. In there, available art market that available some of crafts and Bali special food. The price, it’s cheap if you smart to bargain.

beautyfull place in bali island

Tanah Lot

Bali is true heaven of tourism. At least that existing fact and which I feel as part of Bali society which live and grow in Bali island. There are a lot of beautiful exotic place in this island. One of them is Tanah Lot. As tourism object, Tanah Lot is true famous. It’s called as icon of Bali Tourism beside GWK statue kuta, Sanur, Nusadua and Ubud Beach. As Icon, Tanah Lot is so enthused by all tourist, foreign or Domestic tourist.
Tanah Lot is True with fascination. This tourist object integrate consist of sunset moment that very beautifull with spiritual tourism marked by tanah lot temple. Even a number of tourist at the moment. Tourist can directly show activity of hindhu people ritual.
Tanah lot located in tabanan Regency. If you want to go there from Denpasar or Ngurah Rai Air Port just need 30-40 minutes but for local tourist from java island tanah Lot could reach from Kediri region located about 8 kilometers north of Tanah Lot and be important way (rush) Denpasar-Gilimanuk. The big……………..of Tanah Lot tourism object can not be let loose from Tanah Lot temple in the Midle of Beach for Praying, Hinduism come to Pura tanah Lot on foot across the beach. Just for five minutes, not too long. The beach water that must be accrosed undeep, just limit of knee.
Tanah lot temple established by Dang Hyang Dwijendra some one who has iron skill that live in majapahit kingdom in era 15. He comes to Bali for starting lofty Duty. Teach spiritual problems and social harmonization. By the Bali King that has power, Dalem Waturenggong Dang Hyang Dwijendra accepted and gived achance to spread Hindhu religion. In Bali, Dang Hyang Dwijendra establish some temples, one of them is Pura Tanah lot.
Beside Tanah Lot Temple and sunset view, there is another thing that proper enjoyed by tourist. That are sixs Pura the location in a row to the west from pura Tasnah lotwith walking for about 1 km, the tourist can find pura Pakendungan, Pura Penataran, Enjung Galuh, jro kandangBatu Bolong, Batu Mejan. All of that temple has unique, in Fact in the last Pura that’s Pura Batu Mejan be located in beach lips. There are 9 water sources out from under the beach and the water tasteless!. In order to enjoy all of interest places souronding Tanah lot tourism object, you must come early or before evening. After satisfied visit seven temples, in the evening you can enjoy sunset in the west part. Now, it’s time to leave from the beach (Tanah lot) But wait, have your hand bring the souvenir! Don’t worry because of that. In there, available art market that available some of crafts and Bali special food. The price, it’s cheap if you smart to bargain.

Lake Batur

Batur Lake is the old crater of Mount Batur, a still active volcano next to it. It is located on the northern part of Bali. The largest lake overshadowed by the active volcano is located in Bangli Regency, at the northeast of Bali. Batur Lake is the widest lake in this island. It lies down in the feet of Mount Batur and Mount Abang. The lake is classified as a "neutral-dilute" lake because there is no known underlying hydrothermal activity, and the abundant rainfall more than quenches any such activity. There is a hot spring right by the lake. We can enjoy the spectacular scenery of Batur Lake from Kintamani. Across the lake, only reachable by boat, lies Trunyan village, where the Bali Aga people live. The surrounding of the lake is a favorite place for picks self up. At Batur Lake we can see the scenic view and feel cool atmosphere. Bangli's mountainous region center is around the spectacular volcanic crater (or caldera) of Batur. Mount Batur adjacent to the volcano is the large crescent-shaped Batur Lake, all surrounded by the high walls of the crater rim. The place is a great day trips, trekking or just to get away from the daily activity.